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NAS 10 Questions with Archangell

Writer's picture: New Artist SpotlightNew Artist Spotlight

This time, we get to know Archangell, Hip-hop Artist, Singer and Songwriter based out of Mufulira, Copperbelt, Central Africa, Zambia, with influences including Lil Wayne and Sarkodie.

The track "I Miss You" is featured in the New Artist Spotlight Family of Playlists.

Link To New Artist Spotlight Playlists:

1. Tell us a little about where you are from and what you are currently doing.

I'm from Zambia Southern Africa(in the city of mufulira). I'm doing a small business & a basketball Coach.

2. What inspired you to start playing and making music?

Music is something you can't run away from even as baby; I got inspired to start doing music by our country legend Macky 2 just as boy but I'm more influenced by Lil Wayne & Sarkodie these two are more like idols to me. Music has helped me so much in my life, it reliefs my pain and loosing my parents at a young age music as played a big low everytime I feel sad I would just play music or write till I fell asleep.

𝟯. Who are your biggest influences?

Like even mentioned in my previous question, Lil Wayne & Sarkodie are my biggest influencer in music.

4. What are your goals in the music industry?

Just wanna make music which will inspire even the next generation. If you listen to my music you will find that it's more like a story.. I talk about more about real issues that happens in our community; talk about Love or hardship and also about my true life story. For example if you listen to songs like; So Cold & Don't Forget Me, in these two songs I talked about my real person sad story I go through day and night. So yeah my goal is to inspire the next generation that's why I do music with deep meaning.

5. Tell us about your creative process when you make new music.

For this one it's funny hahaha . Almost all of my songs I've come up with a idea from my sleep so I just woke up and start writing. I can't say there's more creative from my music LoL . But yeah a lot of creative goes on from production side.

6. What is your all-time favorite song?

Mmmh all my songs are my all-time favorite, but for this I'll just say "I Don't" for it being my debut song/single. The emotionals & melodys on this song is what set it apart, and also the story line part of the song is what I love about it.

7. What is the best advice you have either given or received in terms of music? 

Received mhhm, being different & that means just being myself. When I first started my music I wanted to sound more like sarkodie so bad and for sure I started sounding like him. It was exciting at first cause everyone who listens to me will be like wow I thought you are sarkodie BLA BLA not until someone asked me a question that you sound like sarkodie yes but who are you? & Said to me try to be more of yourself and different create that uniqueness. So it's from there were everything changed.

8. Proudest accomplishment?

This one Mmm being on the aBreak Music 58 playlist! This is my proudest accomplishment so far I may say Thanks Haley Bundy. Cause even when I submitted my song there I didn't expect my song to be picked, so when I found out that my song was picked it's was an awesome feeling for me, so yeah.

9. Just for fun! What's been your most embarrassing moment so far?

LoL it's when I attended one of our local radio station. So I reached there with my best swag I had, I was welcomed well and nicely. So the presenter was set to interview me didn't know or listen to my music before. He came played my music for his first time as the song was playing he started looking at me from toe to head, in my head I was like I've done anything.. after the song finished playing he was like are you like really the one who sang this song? And I said yes, why? He replied; how you look and your music it's too different thing. I said how? He replied you don't even look like an artist musician, your dress code is not matching with your music. He brushed off my very best swag LoL and only said I've only going to believe you because of your hair. It was so embarrassing..

𝟭0. Tell us about your lowest and highest points in music so far.

My lowest points is most about finding funding to pay the producers since I don't have a studio yet & other is just like everyone else feeling or questioning if I'll ever blow or make it with my music especially whereby receiving a lot of criticism saying I should just stop music and find a Job. In my country it's almost impossible to make it in music if you doing it in English unless into our local language. But for me I took the path cause I want to make it easy to be heard globally.

My highest right now is just being on the aBreak Music 58 playlist Thanks Haley Bundy who introduced me to this amazing indie playlist & working with one of the best coming up superstar Kami Huff Music, I got featured in one of her tracks Heart race. That feature has opened up so many doors for me globally. So I can only say Thank you to Kami! Not forgetting the NAS Spotlight for the amazing things you're doing to put us indie artists together to help and support each other.

Stream "I Miss You" now

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Please share this post and let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


Jul 14, 2024

Great loved reading the interview

Would check out more from the artist for sure 💯🚀


Jul 10, 2024

I appreciated the radio station story. It's funny how books are judged by covers sometimes.


Edward Corrado
Edward Corrado
Jul 07, 2024

Nice getting to know more about you, Archangell


The Faintest Glow
The Faintest Glow
Jun 30, 2024

Keep up the hustle Archangel! Don't let anyone discourage you from making your music!


Jun 29, 2024

Keep going, Archangell, keep going. :-)



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