This time, we get to know Her Kingdom, AKA Josephine Conde, a spoken word artist from New York with influences including KRS1, DMX, and Rakim, and has an ever-evolving, unorthodox style and approach to music.

The track "Remember me" is featured in the New Artist Spotlight Family of Playlists.
Link To New Artist Spotlight Playlists:
1. Tell us a little about where you are from and what you are currently doing.
Born and raised in NEW YORK and proud of it. Lived 17 years in Bronx NY which definitely taught me survival and opened my eyes to many things ugly and beautiful. Now in Long island for about a decade, looking forward to moving down south deep in the woods. I am currently working on myself in a spiritual aspect of life and more.
2. What inspired you to start playing and making music?
I am a poet, writing forever but never doing anything with my words. I attempted to flow into the world with other poets but they were not very willing to open doors to me. I am not a rapper so how do I get heard? I didn't get upset, I decided to create my own lane and this landed me in spoken word. Words inspire me, so powerful the things said in life. We hold many things which affect us internally. By creating music we can let go of the pain and or share happiness. I'm a lover, not a fighter but sometimes you just got to be mean to get your message understood. Although I prefer kindness!

𝟯. Who are your biggest influences?
I can't sing but I love Sade, so soulful. Wait are we asking about music influences? God is strength and I believe in miracles because I have been shown. Though I am Spiritual in my ways as I got older, God definitely influenced my ability to be strong. Okay if music, way back KRS1 because he had a purpose, a message. Rakim, his style, love his flow. DMX like no other definitely an influence.
4. What are your goals in the music industry?
To be heard to influence others to know no matter what we live and we thrive and one day we die. So do what you want which makes you happy in your soul.
5. Tell us about your creative process when you make new music.
I am always writing a song. One word can create an entire song which is mind-blowing in itself. I listen to beats and when one speaks to me I begin writing. Sometimes I take words written throughout time and add in or add on. My creative process is somewhat stressful especially when recording to remember the lyrics or not to fumble. I get passed it and in the end although nothing is perfect once I am happy with my results I follow the process to release. I have not released anything since 2019, I feel I have improved in many ways. Dealing with some medical issues I needed to take a break. Now I am on another level and looking forward to making new music.
6. What is your all-time favorite song?
Foxy Brown ft JayZ I'll be. The instrumental always wakes up my spirit.
7. What is the best advice or council you have either given or received in terms of music?

To practice my craft because then no one can tell me sh!t. I am different and that is needed and appreciated in music. Those words fueled and inspired me to continue.
8. Proudest accomplishment?
As humans we at times allow fear to control us. I did not allow fear to be a factor for me. So my proudest accomplishment if we are talking about music, I followed through and published 4 songs because it can be scary.
9. What is something about you that might surprise someone who knows you the best?
I'm obsessed with drip painting, the process of creating is just amazing in general. and I take care of a colony of feral cats. Feed, love, care, provide shelter for, and trap them to get vetted and fixed. Return them to my property where they are happy and comfortable. Been about 6 years now, it gets expensive but I always figure out a way to get things done for them. I have found homes for over 45 kittens. By getting them fixed it stops the breeding and growth of the colony. It began with 4 kittens born in my front yard. I quickly learned that 4 kittens can turn into 45 cats real fast. I have had a consistent 7 cats/colony in my backyard for a couple of years now but someone always brings a buddy back to my yard and this can start the process again if I don't act fast. I love all animals!
𝟭0. Tell us about your highest and lowest points in music so far.
The highest is definitely publishing, positive feedback is secondary to that. The lowest I would say is being disappointed by the fact many indie artists I have met, not all, and again ones I have met are very much selfish. They tend to try and use you for your creative attributes, never giving back. I am so huge on support of the art of music because it's such a fixture in life. Music is life! I will say I have met a few artists on NAS that are amazing and givers like myself. I feel extremely blessed to be a part of this family. Danny Da Flite is the amazing artist that not only showed support but put me on to NAS.

Stream "Remember me" now
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Great article! Love, love, love that you're caring for the colony of feral cats. 🐈💕
Only just got around to reading this one but it's been great getting to know you in the NAS discord and on IG. For me you embody the spirit of what I imagine New York to be (I've never been) - poet, rapper, painter, cat lover. Full of love and enthusiasm.
Great to meet and get to know you a bit more, Josephine Conde!